Rosetta S. Elkin


Mariel Collard Arias, John Koepke,
Sara Pantuliano, Bernado Reyes

Editor & Creative Director

Etienne Turpin

Publication Design

K. Verlag
with Ginny Rose Davies

Website Design

Liam Asprey

Printing & Binding

KOPA, Lithuania

This publication was made possible by
Stiftung Kunstfonds
Neustart Kultur

With additional funding from

Pratt Institute: School of Architecture

And special thanks to
Les Jardins de Metis

Research funding provided by

Harvard Climate Change
Solutions Fund
& Harvard Asia Center

Cover illustration 
Landslide deposits, Langtang Park, Nepal; photo by Rosetta S. Elkin.

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K. Verlag and the author thank all copyright holders for permission to use their material. Every effort has been made to find copyright holders; in the event of any errors or omissions we would be grateful to be notified of any corrections that should appear in any reprint. Please contact K. Verlag if you have any questions regarding the reproduction of material in this digital publication.

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Published and produced by

K. Verlag
40–43 D-10365 Berlin

Web ISBN 978-3-947858-46-0

© 2022 K. Verlag and Rosetta S. Elkin